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angelic conflict

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angelic conflict Empty angelic conflict

Mensaje  sakura Lun 16 Nov 2009, 23:11

Weather bathes with a little sun
your smile falls gently on my shoulder
the air smells of arousal
a sigh breaks the silence between us
your shadow runs after my shadow
hiding behind the door and the clock
your hand on my back
feel that my body is attentive to your heat
voices without echo wet lips
phrases of two mouths words without end
two bodies of breath
hidden love of the same destiny
and whoever takes the next life maybe
whispers of dreams early morning adventure
two humans sleeping under the same skin
two lovers swearing in vain capricious love
furtive caresses rented hours
sharing dreams on the same pillow
two angels united aimlessly for no reason
flapping their wings in a secret war
loving and hating for no reason without illusion
looking to get into each other's arms and tired
We are two angels asked because we are not self...


Cantidad de envíos : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 16/11/2009

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